Over the years I have watched with incredulity the campaign of EU-bashing in most of the British media going unchallenged. A constant refrain of distortions, misinformation, and simple lies...
Over the years I have watched with incredulity the campaign of EU-bashing in most of the British media going unchallenged. A constant refrain of distortions, misinformation, and simple lies...
The UK has become more progressive, tolerant and a better place to live as the EU has evolved.
I became very concerned for the next generation's future and the future of my business.
I identify as European. I'm an inside organiser for EU Flags at the Proms.
I enjoyed chatting with Steve Bray and with other Remain people from other parts of the country.
Brexit is the most stupid and damaging thing a country has done to itself, and I needed to make my opposition public.
I am also a keen member of EU flag mafia and have very often crept around after dark hanging flags in public places!
The Leave vote was an attack on so much I hold dear. I had never protested previously, but I was driven to it...
My favourite memory is dressed as Father Christmas, chasing Michael Gove.
Why did I come? To be able to tell my grandchildren I tried as hard as I could to stop us leaving the EU and because peaceful protest isn’t just a right it’s a duty.