Posted on 15/04/2021Comments Off on KEN WATERHOUSE

When did you first attend the SODEM protest outside Parliament and why did you come? 

I was on the anti-Brexit demonstration in March 2017 with family members, but first attended SODEM in December 2018 after deciding that I had to do more than just stroll through London every few months.

Roughly how old are you?


How frequently did you come and when was the last time you attended?

Recovering from bladder cancer I could just about manage to stand around with an EU flag for a few hours, and travel from Croydon is not difficult, so I could do one or two days a week.

How far from Westminster do you live and what was your travelling time?

[about 10.5 miles and approximately 45 minutes by public transport]

What’s your favourite memory?

I especially enjoyed the ‘Pies not Lies’ and ‘Cake not Hate’ events, so much so that I have usually attended with some cake for SODEM friends, made by my own fair hands!

Tell me your story

SODEM has become a very important part of my life since it allows me to make my small contribution to the future of my country and my continent. I believe that SODEM will form the nucleus of the movement to rejoin the EU and dispense with our corrupt ‘government’. On top of that, SODEM people are always good to be with, interesting and entertaining; it is always a pleasure to meet them.

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