I was despondent, until I heard the voice shouting “Stop Brexit!” behind the news reports. There was somebody doing something! I had to be part of it.
Over the years I have watched with incredulity the campaign of EU-bashing in most of the British media going unchallenged. A constant refrain of distortions, misinformation, and simple lies...
I could see that so many groups - fishermen, farmers, the list went on - had been deceived into thinking life would be simpler and better outside the EU.
Brexit represents the loss of rights and erosion of democracy.
I would never have dreamed before Brexit happened that so many people were prepared to stand up and be counted as pro-Europeans and it seemed that this sentiment actually grew as a result of Brexit.
The company I was working for had to pay for a lawyer to go through so much red tape when they sponsored me to get permanent residency. So, I knew the British and all European people had a great gift from the EU called "freedom of movement."
Born in Middlesbrough in 1971 and grew up in a Eurosceptic family. I followed their belief for years until one day around 2000 when I was chatting about things with some people I knew...
We left a red rose and EU flag on Jeremy Corbyn's front gate as a gentle (and unsuccessful) reminder that many existing and potential Labour supporters were Remainers.
We came with our Fake TV and were stopped by thousands of people for a photo...
I will keep on supporting the cause until we get our freedoms back.