I was following Steve's tweets, and remember one about a young man being assaulted, and thought 'these people need support'.
I was following Steve's tweets, and remember one about a young man being assaulted, and thought 'these people need support'.
I wanted the world to see that not all British people wished to leave the EU.
I work in social care with people from all over the world and see this as a very positive thing. It also meant that I was and am very aware of the damage this would and has done to the EU nationals whom I work with...
The fight isn't over, so as soon as things get back to normal, I will be back with the blue coat!
I believe that SODEM will form the nucleus of the movement to rejoin the EU and dispense with our corrupt 'government'.
The many quiet "Thank you for being here" comments from passers-by is enough for me to know that taking action, even if it just gives one person some hope and joy, is totally worth it. :-)
Brexit was a con, Brexit still is a Con. Brexit's not done, we have been done.
It’s been a rude awakening for me that freedom, rights and democracy have to be fought for. There is so much to stand up for whatever the cause.
Billionaires don't spend millions deploying weapons-grade psy-ops and hiring thugs to beat up protesters, murder MPs, just to be foiled by simple grass-roots people-power. But, but but ...
There were too many attempts to silence Remainers. This was an attack on freedom of speech.