My paternal grandparents died in Auschwitz and Teresienstadt. My father, uncles (x2), came as refugees, were welcomed here, made their lives here. And now we have to fight fascism all over again.
We were a disparate group of people who had not been aware of each other's existence before and, in the main, politically inactive. Over nearly four years, we have come together as campaigners, activists and friends.
As a result of the EU Ref, I applied to have my German citizenship restored, so that I'd keep my links with the EU, and so that my grandchildren could 'inherit' it.
I can't remember when I first went to SODEM, but it was fairly early on. I heard there were anti-Brexit protestors there and went down to support.
Brexit will destroy our relationship with Europe and music is supposed to have no borders. England just created one.
I wanted to Stop Brexit! This seemed a really good way of actually doing something not just talking about it!
All the SODEM supporters were funny and warm and friendly, and they had lost the Referendum but had probably won at Life!
The constant visual presence was important and I felt happy that, with no other responsibilities, and friends in London happy to have me, I was able to be there.
I have had the opportunity to speak face to face with Johnson, Cummings, Gove, Rees-Mogg, Farage, Francois and others and tell them exactly what I thought of them and Brexit.
It was August 2016 when I read a post from an Italian lady (who's husband was ex-RAF) about her being asked to 'Prepare to leave' by the Home Office...