T-Rexit is a pro-European dinosaur living in mid-Wales. He likes to attend marches and protests as he catches the Press Eye and helps to raise awareness. He also helps to diffuse confrontation.
T-Rexit is a pro-European dinosaur living in mid-Wales. He likes to attend marches and protests as he catches the Press Eye and helps to raise awareness. He also helps to diffuse confrontation.
I learned so much about myself between 2016 and 2020. I am not the same person I was before. I am stronger, braver, more passionate, more rebellious.
I wanted to be there to be with like-minded people and to show that there were people who were very much against Brexit.
Going to SODEM, being with people who are now friends, speaking to the general public, has kept me sane.
Why did I come? To be able to tell my grandchildren I tried as hard as I could to stop us leaving the EU and because peaceful protest isn’t just a right it’s a duty.
I never imagined Brexit would happen, even after the referendum. I was lucky enough to meet great people through protesting. I still can't believe this has happened.
Ended up being one of the main organisers of the protest and saw it grow to one of the most successful grass roots protests of modern time. I'm proud we gave a voice to the groundswell of anger in the UK at the Brexit process and that we have a place in political history.
I was a co-founder of Veterans for Europe, but immediately found my home at SODEM after my first visit. I was very late to the Remain campaign, but I'm proud I did everything I could to stop Brexit.
I knew I had to be able to stand proud in the future that at least I had literally stood up to be counted when not one of my friends ever did. My hands are clean.
In 2016 I was stunned by the result. I was depressed for weeks. That turned to anger as it became more obvious that the leavers were lied to, and we were cheated.