I believe that SODEM will form the nucleus of the movement to rejoin the EU and dispense with our corrupt 'government'.
I believe that SODEM will form the nucleus of the movement to rejoin the EU and dispense with our corrupt 'government'.
It’s been a rude awakening for me that freedom, rights and democracy have to be fought for. There is so much to stand up for whatever the cause.
I even organised a demo myself – In Barcelona outside the British Consulate to protest the proroguing of Parliament, which about 100 people turned up to!
I chose to fight to protect millions, especially immigrants who had made a life here, for they were being heavily scapegoated.
The Police, who were always excellent with us, let us through & we marched, led by Steve Bray, to Downing Street playing our instruments & singing our songs.
I came to this country as a migrant myself in the 1950s and faced overt racism and xenophobia in the 1960s and 70s.
To my utter surprise I found myself shouting at the top of my voice ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, look there is John Redwood, the man who told his clients not to invest in the UK. He is, he is an utter bastard’.
I used to attend with groups from Stratford4Europe, WarwickDistrict4Europe and Banbury4Europe, each time I and the others would drag more along.
I had just been told by Department for Health and Social Care that my grandad’s medication was at risk from no deal. That was the final straw.
I felt I had no voice politically and was totally unrepresented. Getting into political activism and protesting regularly outside Parliament is the only thing I can thank my ex-MP, Baroness Hoey for.