Posted on 18/03/2021Comments Off on MARK HARRISON

When did you first attend the SODEM protest outside Parliament and why did you come? 

13th February, 2019, with North Yorkshire for Europe. 

Roughly how old are you?  


How frequently did you come and when was the last time you attended?

8 times with NYfE : 13th & 27th February, 12th March, 1st, 8th & 29th April, 3rd September & 7th October 2019.

Plus 3 of the Peoples’ Vote Marches of 23rd March, 20th July & 19th October 2019

How far from Westminster do you live and what was your travelling time?

About 240 miles; travel time by train 2-3 hours, by coach 5 or 6 hours.

What’s your favourite memory?

The best was on 3rd September.  When NYfE & the Remain Voice Choir (since renamed Reunion Chorus) arrived at Westminster the roads were blocked by protesting taxi drivers.  The Police, who were always excellent with us, let us through & we marched, led by Steve Bray, to Downing Street playing our instruments & singing our songs.  After a bit we turned back though a crowd of about 1000 who had followed us. The crowd parted to let us back and applauded us. Great leadership by Steve & our band leader Arnold.

Tell me your story

On my first journey down to Westminster on 13th February with NYfE we were briefed about SODEM & the possible trouble from the EDL-type disruptors.  It was mentioned that, during the previous visit, the group had sung “Ilkley Moor bar t’at” whilst marching in and this had caused the thugs to clear off.  This gave me an idea. I play an Eb Bass (tuba) not very well, but I can be loud 110 – 120dB is quite possible.  When I came down 2 weeks later with the tuba, I was able to add a lot of volume to the singers & the shiny metal surfaces of the instrument attracted cameras. Over the following weeks other, and better, instrumentalists joined in, more lyrics and songs were added. We went to Brussels and came to the following 8 or so SODEM / Peoples’ Vote events.

The Remain Voice Choir changed its name to Reunion Chorus and has been working on new songs.  Many members wish to continue to highlight the folly & corruption of Brexit and the benefits of re-joining the EU.

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