I was following Steve's tweets, and remember one about a young man being assaulted, and thought 'these people need support'.
I was following Steve's tweets, and remember one about a young man being assaulted, and thought 'these people need support'.
Billionaires don't spend millions deploying weapons-grade psy-ops and hiring thugs to beat up protesters, murder MPs, just to be foiled by simple grass-roots people-power. But, but but ...
I could see that so many groups - fishermen, farmers, the list went on - had been deceived into thinking life would be simpler and better outside the EU.
Born in Middlesbrough in 1971 and grew up in a Eurosceptic family. I followed their belief for years until one day around 2000 when I was chatting about things with some people I knew...
We left a red rose and EU flag on Jeremy Corbyn's front gate as a gentle (and unsuccessful) reminder that many existing and potential Labour supporters were Remainers.
We came with our Fake TV and were stopped by thousands of people for a photo...
I will keep on supporting the cause until we get our freedoms back.
I even organised a demo myself – In Barcelona outside the British Consulate to protest the proroguing of Parliament, which about 100 people turned up to!
The Police, who were always excellent with us, let us through & we marched, led by Steve Bray, to Downing Street playing our instruments & singing our songs.
To my utter surprise I found myself shouting at the top of my voice ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, look there is John Redwood, the man who told his clients not to invest in the UK. He is, he is an utter bastard’.