The day I went to SODEM, I was heading to Szczecin in Poland for a professional Congress.
The day I went to SODEM, I was heading to Szczecin in Poland for a professional Congress.
I've never really been that political... nothing has ever driven me to raise my voice or take a stand like Brexit has.
I got involved in the anti-Brexit movement through Vote for Europe when I saw the first 'flags at the Proms' action. That was when I realised that others were taking actions to reject Brexit.
Before the European elections I did some training at Europe House for volunteers and took the opportunity to spend the afternoon with SODEM...
I've lived outside of the UK for more than half of my life thanks to opportunities from free movement, so I couldn’t vote in the ref, but I've never felt as passionately about something in my life as I have done against Brexit.
Carol is now a hard-working town councillor for Christchurch.
The Leave vote was an attack on so much I hold dear. I had never protested previously, but I was driven to it...
I just hope our country can get through this and I would like to apologise to the young people of Britain who had their rights as EU citizens taken from them - in many cases by their own parents and grandparents.
For 17 years of my working life I was the ERASMUS coordinator at the University of Central Lancashire. I was fortunate enough to travel... and made 100s of European friends.