I launched Women for Europe and often went to Westminster with campaigning material and our banner en-route to Brussels.
I launched Women for Europe and often went to Westminster with campaigning material and our banner en-route to Brussels.
I’m Ben from St. Asaph in North Wales, a Remainer and patriot who loves his country, so hates Brexit!
I'm British but born in Athens of Greek parents. My father fought in the 2nd World War. When I was little, I remember the terrible memories my parents shared of the war and occupations.
My MP is a rabid Brexiter and a Boris-backer. His correspondence contained untruths. He was given fair opportunity to correct that disinformation. He didn't take it.
Doing street stalls in different parts of my town really showed how these Trump Tories have left places to rot. Resist forever!
Helping Steve Bray flagbomb Mark Francois is one of my favourite memories...
My favourite memory is dressed as Father Christmas, chasing Michael Gove.
Although I would say I am on the 'left', I was not political before Brexit. I felt bereft when the UK voted to leave the European Union...
I had been following Steve’s protest since Autumn 2017 and felt it was in the right place at the right time. He was often alone, so many of us fighting brexit, so few of us at SODEM. I had to go and support him.
I felt guilty that I hadn’t done enough. From the first SODEM made me feel like I could make a difference.