We came to show MPs and Lord’s that people in the north weren’t buying the Brexit lies and to support SODEM, as watching the daily protests had given us such a morale boost.
At SODEM I felt amongst like-minded people.
I felt that SODEM was the most "useful" protest, because it was visible to the decision makers and appearing daily in the background of the news.
I feel we all have a moral obligation to stand up if and when we can, and if we don't we have no right to complain.
I can honestly say that I feel so privileged to have met such wonderful, intelligent, inspirational people who will one day be proven to have been on the right side of history.
The press portrayed the protest as always aggressive. Mainly it was an object lesson in peaceful civil disobedience.
Once I found out about the protest there was nothing that could stop me.
I first came to SODEM about 3 years ago — 2017. I feel very strongly that the best future for the UK is within the EU.
The day I went to SODEM, I was heading to Szczecin in Poland for a professional Congress.
I first came when I filmed Steven Bray for my Stop Brexit film POSTCARDS FROM THE 48%.