When did you first attend the SODEM protest outside Parliament and why did you come?
From the outset. I came because I wanted to protest against the fraudulent referendum. I was dismayed at the outcome, mostly for my children’s and grandchildren’s futures.
Roughly how old are you?
How frequently did you come and when was the last time you attended?
I came probably eight to ten times.
How far from Westminster do you live and what was your travelling time?
I live in Fairlight (not sure how far that is from Westminster). Twenty minutes on the bus and approximately an hour and a half on the train.
What’s your favourite memory?
An extremely wet and windy day, very depressing, when suddenly a band of musicians supporting Remain, came on the scene playing Ode to Joy. (That is my new ringtone with Katherine Jenkins singing it!)
Tell me your story
I am from a very working class family. I went to a Grammar School. Pretty unsuccessful there. As a mature student I trained to be a teacher. Did a part time MA at evening classes in London, whilst working full time and with two young children and a failing marriage. I have two daughters and five grandsons, plus more energy than is probably good for me.
My politics are governed by my feminist beliefs. I belonged to the Women’s Liberation movement when it first started in England in the early seventies. Been on all the marches for women’s rights. Belonged to NCCL now known as Liberty, Radical Alternatives to Prison, CND, went to Greenham Common on three occasions. Always been a staunch Labour supporter, although my support is wavering at the moment and I find myself moving towards the Green Party and Extinction Rebellion.
My greatest pride is that my children and grandchildren all have the ‘right’ politics. They believe in and fight for equality and justice wherever, whenever. They carry my hope for the future.
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