Posted on 13/03/2021Comments Off on JOS PASHLEY

When did you first attend the SODEM protest outside Parliament and why did you come? 

When Johnson tried  to prorogue parliament. I came from France especially. I’d had enough of watching it on the TV and being unable to do anything.

Roughly how old are you?

68 I think

How frequently did you come and when was the last time you attended?

I came twice, but then had to go to a funeral, then back to France where I live.

How far from Westminster do you live and what was your travelling time?

About 700 kilometres.  Takes a day when things go well. Can be longer, as I won’t fly.  I had to go back and stop overnight in Canterbury.  Could have done with a floor to sleep on in London. Then I could have stayed longer.

What’s your favourite memory?

Nothing favourite.  Its awful. I liked seeing Steve in the flesh.  Even my French foster kids in France know who he is and what he’s doing.

Tell me your story

I think I have.  I live in SW France where I foster children.  Really frustrated and angry.  My own kids are still in UK so I like to come and visit and I just have to go to Westminster while I’m there.  Also been on most of the big demos.  They’re uplifting.  Early this year I got my dual French citizenship and French passport.  So I’m alright Jack but I feel awful for what they’ve done to my home country and I know a lot of worried, upset Brits here in France.

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