When did you first attend the SODEM protest outside Parliament and why did you come?
I think I attended the second ever SODEM, after being unable to attend the first due to being out of the country (working freely in the EU!)
Roughly how old are you?
How frequently did you come and when was the last time you attended?
I came down as often as I possibly could and was a prolific promoter of SODEM on Twitter. I created dozens of memes to generate attendance. (See the Gallery page for a selection of memes.)
How far from Westminster do you live and what was your travelling time?
I live in North Wales, so over 200 miles. I came by train (not cheap!) and often stayed overnight in a hotel so that I could attend 2 days running. My travel time was over 5 hours.
What’s your favourite memory?
December 2018 there was a great crowd at SODEM, but it was bitterly cold and snow was falling on and off all day. I went to get a free coffee which was being offered to all Remainers by a café behind the Supreme Court and I walked past two rough sleepers shivering in a doorway. When I returned to SODEM I started a collection to get some money to donate to the guys so they could afford a shelter that night – the generosity of everyone was tremendous and I was able to give them over £150! They were so incredibly grateful and could afford 5 nights in a shelter during the cold weather.
Tell me your story
The day after the Referendum result, I was inconsolable and cried for 24 hours. The day after that I set up a Facebook Group called ‘Remain Together’ which was a private space for people like me who needed support and a safe space to talk about their feelings and reactions. Within one week it had 2,500+ members and it was one of the founding groups to begin campaigning to #StopBrexit.
From there, I began to use Twitter and became know widely as Space Angel as my Twitter name was SpaceAngel4EU – I then became involved in many of the Remainer initiatives, and my followers grew to 53,000+. I did TV and radio interviews and had dozens of articles in the press. When my health permitted, I attended and promoted every single thing I could to #StopBrexit and I used my influence to engage, encourage and support others to campaign too. I will NEVER accept Brexit, never forgive those who lied and enabled it, and will mourn forever our loss of freedoms, rights and opportunities being in the EU gave us!
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