When did you first attend the SODEM protest outside Parliament and why did you come?
I first attended SODEM in late January 2019. I had become increasingly aware that many people were against Brexit (as I was…). I had attended the People’s March in October 2018 and was advised to get on social media by young family to get better informed about Pro EU groups, People’s Vote, anti-Brexit groups etc. I became increasingly concerned about all the lies, irregularities, etc., around the whole advisory referendum and Brexit chaos.
Roughly how old are you?
75 years – Born February 1945 – and feel European.
How frequently did you come and when was the last time you attended?
At first January 2019 once a week/fortnight but by the spring 2019 increased to couple of times weekly. By Sept 2019, 2/3 times a week regularly right up until March 2020 when lockdown started. Haven’t been during lockdown due to being of senior age.
I also went regularly to Whitehall Watch during recess in summer 2019
How far from Westminster do you live and what was your travelling time?
Bus from home at 9 am to Epping tube; 9.30 am Epping to Mile End, change to District Line to Westminster, eta at Westminster 10.35 ish. Total time around 1hr 45 mins.
What’s your favourite memory?
Several favourite memories: the feeling of cavalry arriving when after a horrible time with yellow vests around us, the Yorkshire4EU band and choir arrived singing By Ilkley Moor —with anti-Brexit lyrics. Fabulous atmosphere. Many times, like that. Cake not Hate Days, Pies Not Lies Days; Bonding with others in Crush Cafe after Tommy Robinson’s supporters ran amok through our peaceful demonstration.
Tell me your story
Although I would say I am on the ‘left’, I was not political before Brexit. I’ve certainly never voted Tory in my life, but have swapped between Labour and LibDem. I felt bereft when the UK voted to leave the European Union. I have demonstrated before at NHS rallies, also against live animal exports abroad from Brightlingsea many years ago.
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